Stefan Klein ...

... is a virtuoso in workshops! As a linguist and motivation specialist, he tracks down the right impulse with unerring persistence, which provides his participants with the breakthrough in their development topics. Stefan has been a trainer at BRAINS AND GAMES for many years, focusing on leadership, communication, self-management and team development. He enriches the moodmap® development team with unboring seminar designs.

"With moodmap® my participants receive a tool with which they can quickly and precisely connect with their counterparts.

Whether in leadership development or in team building, in communication training or in individual coaching - people learn very quickly to use the many possible applications of the maps. Using the moodmap® glasses to see through one's own blind spots and to get to know oneself better is just as exciting as the targeted use in the context of leadership, team development or crisis communication.

What particularly attracts me to the system is its undogmatic approach. It is low-threshold for beginners and quite complex for advanced practitioners. And it is alive, constantly evolving and can be wonderfully combined with other methods, such as the Zürcher Resrouce Model.”

Stefan Klein
A-1040 Wien

phone: +43 664 5015678